Victim Services of Middlesex-London (VSML) provides immediate and short-term support and programs that are accessible to both residence of Middlesex County and the City of London.


The programs are designed to support victims and their families of crime and/or tragic circumstances with emotional support to help empower individuals to regain control of their situation through listening and validating their feelings. During tragedy or the initial aftermath of a tragedy, being able to talk to someone who understands your immediate needs, as it relates to safety, and the different options available to you. VSML programs ensures all victims feel safe, secure and connected to support services that may be able to benefit their situation. Referrals to other service agencies that offer on-going support are also offered.

Our Programs Services are Free of Charge and Confidential

Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario (VCAO)

Immediate, on-site services to victims of crime and/or tragic circumstances 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.

Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP)

Limited financial assistance to victims of violent crimes who require immediate assistance that cannot be obtained through other sources.

Together we can make a difference.

We are always looking for volunteers and are grateful to our donors.